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Aksi Wakil Bupati Rembang Agar Semua Kepala Desa Terbuka Tentang Informasi Pengelolaan Dana Desa

Aksi yang dilakukan oleh wakil gubernur H Bayu Andriyanto harus kita acungi jempol, demi kemajuan kota rembang tercinta
Pemerintah Kabupaten Rembang terus mengajak para Kepala Desa untuk meningkatkan sarana keterbukaan informasi. Hal itu sesuai amanat Undang-undang, dalam melaksanakan program dan kebijakan pemerintahan di desa.

Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Wakil Bupati Rembang H Bayu Andriyanto,SE saat acara Dinamika Pemerintahan, dan Pembangunan Kemasyarakatan di pendapa Kecamatan Pancur Kamis (08/11/2018).
Dalam acara yang dihadiri oleh puluhan kepala desa se Kecamatan Pancur, Wabup mengatakan, Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo juga telah menyampaikan tentang keterbukaan informasi di pemerintah desa. Selain itu, dana bantuan yang mengalir ke desa harus dikelola secara transparan, dan diumumkan melalui website desa, media sosial, dan spanduk pengumuman soal pengelolaan dana yang ada di desa.
“Makanya kita ini pembinaan, kalau sudah benar pengelolaan-pengelolaan tertib administrasi tertib keuangan bahkan kemarin waktu inovasi desa Pakbupati komunikasi langsung dengan Pak Gubernur menyarankan langsung bahwa pembangunan di desa, bantuan yang ada di desa, ada DD, dana bankeu, dan bantuan lainnya di paparkan lewat tulisan, baik website, media sosial dan banner, agar masyarakatnya tau. Karena bantuan paling sedikit Rp 600 juta sampai Rp 1 miliar.” kata Wabup.
Oleh karena itu, Wabup berharap agar perangkat desa mau mengoptimalkan keterbukaan informasi di desa agar semua warga desa dapat menyerap semua informasi mengenai pemerintahan yang ada di desa.
Dalam dinamika tersebut, Wakil Bupati juga menyampaikan sejumlah informasi capaian pembangunan yang di lakukan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Rembang, serta penanganan kemiskinan, tahun 2018
Sumber berita : rembangkab.go.id


If you want to travel in New York City you must visit here
Here are 4 tourist attractions in New York City that you must visit :

1. Chinatown

New York City, which is not only known as the largest city, but also the most densely populated city seems to have a Chinese village and there are six locations that can be found in this city. One location that tourists can visit is in Manhattan. If you are looking for a place that smells Asian, of course Chinatown is the right place to explore, especially in this area that is truly complete. Various attractions related to culture and history are offered at this place, along with many Chinese restaurants.
Sumber Foto : tempatwisataunik.com

The popular Confucius statue can also be found in Chinatown. When the Lunar New Year comes or what we call Chinese New Year, this area becomes very interesting and lives with festivals that are part of the celebration. Traveling in Chinese villages, but in America, tourists can feel a different atmosphere, because every shop there looks alive with red and Chinese writing sometimes combined with English writing.

2. Staten Island Ferry

This is a ferry that has screen directions to Staten Island from Manhattan. Staten Island itself is still included in the area in New York City and is indeed an island in the same form as Manhattan. The reason why this ferry is a recommended tourist attraction even though it is not included in New York City because even though tourists do not want to visit Staten Islan, this ferry will add to the tourist experience in New York City.

Sumber foto : explorerguidebook.blogspot.com
Getting experience like a cruise tour is not difficult because riding this ferry will take you to see the beautiful panorama of New York Harbor. To enjoy a trip on the boat and enjoy the total free view. Also when boarding this ship, the Statue of Liberty can be seen more closely, especially when departing. From Manhattan, to get the most strategic views, look for a seat on the right so you can look to the west side when you go, while going home can sit on the left when you return to Manhattan. Ferry departures are from the direction of the Statue of Liberty or Battery Park and at busy times, ship departures are done every half hour.

3. Times Square

Sumber foto : happygirlinat.blogspot.com
This road intersection in New York City is a very crowded commercial area and looks crowded due to the presence of billboards everywhere with color lights. For tourists who are interested in finding a place that offers lots of interesting entertainment in New York City, Times Square is the most appropriate. Entering the list of the most visited tourist attractions in the world with a total of up to 39 million visitors per year, of course you should not miss the opportunity to visit this hot spot.

The Times Square area is very famous for its entertainment areas because there are many hotels, restaurants, cinemas, theaters and more. Explore Times Square because you can find Madame Tussauds wax museum, Ripley's Believe It or Not, and the American Broadcasting Company studio or what we are more familiar with ABC studios.

4. Statue of Liberty

Sumber foto : explorerguidebook.blogspot.com
The icon of the United States is the statue of a giant woman holding the following torch wearing a thorn crown is a national monument. For those who want to see or take photos with the background of this statue must go to Liberty Island or the island located in New York Harbor. This Statue of Liberty is precisely located in Manhattan and the goddess Libertas is depicted through this statue.

Having a height of 93 meters, this statue is indeed included in one of the most popular tourist attractions in America since its inauguration was held in 1886, precisely on October 28. UNESCO also stated that the Statue of Liberty is one of the World Heritage or world heritage sites so it should not be underestimated. Until 2009 alone, there were 3 million more people who had visited this Statue of Liberty, so don't miss this one tourist site if you have the opportunity to take a walk in New York City.


Monas or National Monument is the icon of Jakarta. Located in the center of Jakarta, it is a tourist and educational center that is attractive to the citizens of Jakarta and its surroundings. Monas was founded in 1959 and was inaugurated two years later in 1961. Monas is always crowded with tourists to see the beauty of the city of Jakarta from the top of Monas, adding to the history of Indonesia in the space of dioramas or enjoying the fresh urban forest of approximately 80 hectares in the center of Jakarta .

Every holiday, Monas is always visited by many tourists. Here you can enjoy many types of tours and educational materials. You can climb the monument that towers to the top of Monas. You can also exercise with friends and family. You can also enjoy a beautiful garden with a variety of lush and lush trees. Or you can enjoy an interesting fountain entertainment.

History :
Sumber foto : jsmmanaluer7.blogspot.com
Monas began construction in August 1959. The entire Monas building was designed by Indonesian architects, Soedarsono, Frederich Silaban and Ir. Rooseno. On August 17, 1961, Monas was inaugurated by President Soekarno. And began to be opened to the public since July 12, 1975.

While the urban forest park area around Monas was formerly known as the Gambir Field. Then it changed its name several times to Ikada Field, Merdeka Square, Monas Square and later became Monas Park.

Monas Garden
You can also eliminate your boredom by enjoying the Monas Park, which is a city forest designed with a beautiful garden.

In this park you can play with a herd of deer intentionally imported from the Bogor Palace to enliven this park. In addition you can also exercise in this park with friends and family.

Monas Park is also equipped with a dancing fountain. This dancing fountain show is very interesting to watch at night. The fountain will move with a beautiful liukan according to the strains of the song being played. In addition there are also colorful laser shows at this fountain.

For those of you who want to maintain health, in addition to exercising at the Monas Park, you can do a reflection massage for free. In this park are provided rocks that are sharp enough for you to step on while having a reflexology massage. In this park there are also several futsal and basketball courts that anyone can use.

If you are tired of walking in this 80-hectare park, you can use the tourist train. This park is free to be visited by anyone and is open for free to the public.

Sumber berita : kumpulan.info


Malioboro Jogja is a street name whose existence has been a long time ago. It is thought that the place was built around the 1750s. Well, the naming of this road turns out to have something to do with the name of the city of Jogja itself.

according to Lecturer of UI History, Prof. Peter Brian Ramsey Carrey, the original name of Jogja city is Ngayogyakarta. The name was inspired by a royal name in the book of Ramayana, namely "Ayodya". Javanese call it Ngayodya, so it sounds like "Ngayogya".

In the book too, there is one main street that is very famous. The road is the main road where the King and his guests are welcomed, and is an important road that has many blessings.

The name of the road is "Malyabhara". In Sanskrit, "Malya" means flower and "bhara" taken from the word "bharin" which means to be used. So how to use flowers (special paths).

Sumber foto : bakpiajogja.id
Well, then the name was taken for the name of the road that is located close to the Yogyakarta Palace. Because of the influence of Javanese pronunciation where the letter "a" is read "o", it sounds like Malioboro.

When the start was built, the road was not immediately crowded. Is the Netherlands who pioneered it as a city center in Yogyakarta so it became crowded. Because they wanted to rival the popularity of the Yogyakarta Palace, the Dutch then built Fort Vredeburg and The Dutch Club in the 1800s.

As it became more crowded, the location of Malioboro became more strategic so that the Dutch built the house of the Dutch Governor on the road. That is a glimpse of the history of Malioboro Jogja.

There are several different versions of stories that appear in the community. Some say the name of the street is taken from the name of a British colonial named Duke of Marlboro. There are also those who say that the naming is based on the cigarette brand advertising board that was previously displayed in that place.

The truth about the two stories above cannot be ascertained yet. It's just that the story is unfounded and there is no scientific explanation in the form of evidence or supporting documents.

can you do in Malioboro Jogja ?

  • photographed
  • eat
  • road etc

Now if you are interested in coming to Malioboro Jogja, there are some things you need to pay attention to, including :

Circle Tuesday Wage at your calendar. This is a clean clean day that causes street vendors and several kiosks in the place to be closed for 24 hours. Don't try to come unless you just want the photo with the asphalt.
Don't be lazy to make a way to compare the price of goods. Lazy surveys of targeted items will make you lose big, both loss of money and feelings because you feel sorry there are cheaper items. If you have a crush on an item, bargain politely 30% of the original price. If not allowed, immediately look for another.
Thank God, you also bring many friends who you can "empower" to survey goods at other kiosks.
When shopping at Malioboro shopping center, you should keep an eye on your luggage. More and more people, criminal risk is also getting bigger. Always put the bag in front. No problem with Doraemon, the important thing is safe.
If you want to experience a becak or delman ride, don't come to Malioboro Jogja during the holiday season. The price must be really expensive. If for example, you still want to go up, you want to bargain the price first. It was feared that some pedicab drivers or nosy delmans gave very expensive prices.

Sumber berita : pikniek.com


One of the most favorite tourist destinations in the Yogyakarta area has never been forgotten by tourists, where due to its large size makes this Beach offers unlimited activities for tourists such as going around the beach using ATV, Horse and Delman motorbikes, doing sports like soccer balls in the sand, playing on the edge of the waves, playing kites, or just sitting around enjoying the charming atmosphere of Parangtritis Beach.

Yogyakarta Special Region is not too big, but it turns out Jogja has dozens of beaches that are very interesting to visit, one of which is Parangtritis Beach. This tourist attraction is arguably one of the most favorite tourist destinations among tourists for a long time.

Parangtritis Beach is well known among tourists, because in addition to having a legend attached to Ratu Kidul as the ruler of the southern sea, it turns out that its beauty cannot be doubted because this beach is the most extensive beach in Yogyakarta which has an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, different from beaches in other Yogyakarta areas such as the beaches in Gunung Kidul which are relatively small in size.

Sumber foto : alodiatour.com
The charm can not be separated from the legend of Parangtritis Beach which is well-known in Indonesian society, where the sea around Parangtritis Beach is a Kingdom led by the ruler of the southern sea, Nyi Roro Kidul. So that it often becomes a public discussion, if you want to go to the favorite beach in Yogyakarta, it is advisable not to use green clothes because it can be pulled into the sea by the ruler of the southern sea.

The existence of the Mataram kingdom which is now a derivative of the Sultan's Palace cannot be released by Nyi Roro Kidul, where according to the story that developed in the community in the past Panembahan Senopati as the Islamic Mataram king who first married Nyi Roro Kidul as the ruler of the southern sea, the marriage was indeed unusual because it comes from two different worlds. However, this is intended to keep the area around Java safe from all threats and dangerous obstacles.

But apart from the legend, this Parangtritis Beach area really offers beautiful natural scenery, where the vastness of this black sandy beach makes us not bored to look at it 360 degrees.

In addition to the activities you can do as Alodia mentioned above, at Parangtritis Beach you can also swim in the pool provided on the beach, especially children who really like this activity. In addition there are also dozens of stalls that provide a variety of typical beach treats such as gurameh fish, rays, squid, and shrimp which are certainly very delicious when we eat it on the beach.

Parangtritis beach is considered a special beach in Indonesia, because on this beach there are deserts that we normally encounter in the Arab world. But on this beach you will be able to find beach mounds like being in an Arabian desert. This desert in Parangtritis Beach is called Gumuk Pasir. Alodia also discussed it in more detail about this Sand Gum in another article. You can click the link, to see the beauty of this beach desert.

The beauty of Parangtritis Beach is indeed no longer able to be reconciled, because every day is visited by thousands of tourists who flock to see the beach in the southern sea of ​​Java.

Sumber berita :  alodiatour.com


This temple was built during the reign of 2 Kings namely Raja Rakai Pikatan and Raja Rakai Belitung around the 10th century or ± 850 AD by the Sanjaya dynasty. This temple, also called Roro Jonggrang temple, is inseparable from the legend that is the legend which at the time was told that there was a young man named Bandung Bondowoso who fell in love with Princess Roro Jonggrang, but it turned out to be one-sided love.

The location of the temple is on the edge of Jl. Raya Yogya Solo precisely ± 17 km from the center of Yogya, namely in the village of Prambanan, Sleman Regency. This temple occupies an area of ​​39.8 Ha with the highest building of 47 meters and the temple which is a Hindu Civilization in the land of Java by UNESCO since 1991 was established as a World Cultural Heritage.

Sumber foto : manusialembah.blogspot
To refuse an offer of love, Bandung Bondowoso, the Princess, asked for a condition that was humanly difficult to fulfill, namely asking the young man to make 1,000 statues overnight. Eventually the conditions were agreed upon by the Youth and actually these conditions could be fulfilled if only the princess did not tell the people to pound rice and make a big fire so that it created an atmosphere similar to the morning. Even though the young man had finished 999 out of the 1,000 requested, because he felt cheated the young man cursed the princess into the 1000th statue.

On the walls of this temple there are many reliefs including reliefs of the Kalpataru Tree which in Hinduism is the Tree of Life, Sustainability and harmony of the environment, so it is not surprising that this tree is used as a Symbol / Goat of the Environmental Forum (WALHI) in Indonesia. As for which is the main relief of the temple wall is a relief depicting the story of Ramayana. So every month every full moon night on the temple grounds is staged one program that depicts the Ramayana story carved on the wall of the temple, the Ramayana Ballet. The story of Ramayana is made in 4 rounds, namely Shinta's Kidnapping by Rahwana, Anoman's Mission to Alengka, Kumbakarna's Death and his meeting again with Rama and Shinta.

Shiva Temple is the highest temple and there are 4 rooms, the main room contains the Shiva statue, then Durga Statue (Shiva's wife is also referred to as the statue of Putri Roro Jonggrang), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesha (Shiva's son). Whereas in the south of the Shiva Temple there is the Brahma Temple which consists of only one room containing the Brahma statue as well as the north is the Vishnu Temple here also contains only one room containing the Wisnu statue.

The structure of this temple clearly illustrates the belief in Hinduism, namely TRIMURTI, so this temple has 3 main temples which symbolize this. The three best temples are Vishnu Temple, Brahma Temple and Siwa Temple, all of which face east. Each of the main temples has one accompanying temple, Garuda for Vishnu Temple, Swan for Brahma and Nandini Temples for Shiva temple. Each main temple also has 2 apit temples, 4 kelir temples, and 4 corner temples. While on the page there are 224 temples.

Prambanan Temple is open every day from 08.00 WIB until 17.00 WIB. The entrance is separated between International Tourists and Domestic Tourists, as well as entrance fees. For International Tourists Entrance tickets are priced at US $ 20 while Domestic Travelers are Rp. 8,000


The Sailendra Dynasty built the largest Buddhist heritage in the world between 780-840 AD. The Sailendra Dynasty was a ruling dynasty at that time. This heritage was built as a place of Buddhist worship and a place of pilgrimage. This place contains clues so that humans keep away from the lust of the world and toward enlightenment and wisdom according to the Buddha. This relic was discovered by British troops in 1814 under the command of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles. The temple area was completely cleaned in 1835.

Borobudur is built in a Mandala style that reflects the universe in Buddhist beliefs. The structure of this building is in the form of a box with four entrances and a center point in the form of a circle. If viewed from the outside to the inside, it is divided into two parts, namely the natural world which is divided into three zones on the outside, and the Nirvana in the center.
Sumber foto : muccamargo.com

Zone 1: Kamadhatu

the realm of the world that is seen and is being experienced by humans now.

Kamadhatu consists of 160 reliefs which explain the Karmawibhangga Sutra, which is the law of cause and effect. Describes human nature and passion, such as robbing, killing, raping, torture, and slander.

Cover hoods on the base have been opened permanently so that visitors can see hidden reliefs at the bottom. A photo collection of all 160 relief photos can be seen at the Borobudur Temple Museum located at Borobudur Archaeological Park.

Zone 2: Rupadhatu

transitional nature, where humans have been freed from world affairs.

Rapadhatu consists of a gallery of stone relief carvings and Buddha statues. Overall there are 328 Buddha statues which also have relief decorations on the carvings.

According to the Sanskrit manuscript in this section consists of 1300 reliefs in the form of Gandhawyuha, Lalitawistara, Jataka and Awadana. All stretches 2.5 km with 1212 panels.

Zone 3: Arupadhatu

the highest realm, the house of God.

Three circular portico leads to a dome in the center or a stupa that illustrates the rise of the world. In this section there are no ornaments or ornaments, which means to describe the highest purity.

The foyer in this section consists of a hollow circular stupa, an upside down bell, containing a Buddha statue that points to the outer part of the temple. There are 72 stupas in total. The largest stupa in the middle is not as high as the original version which has a height of 42m above the ground with a diameter of 9.9m. Unlike the stupa that surrounds it, the central stupa is empty and raises a debate that there is actually content but there are also those who argue that the stupa is indeed empty.


There are 504 Buddhist temples with meditation attitudes and six different hand positions along the temple.

Temple Corridor

During the restoration in the early 20th century, two smaller temples were found around Borobudur, namely Pawon Temple and Mendut Temple which were in line with the Borobudur Temple. Pawon Temple is 1.15 km from Borobudur, while Mendut Temple is 3 km from Borobudur Temple. There is a belief that there is a religious connection between the three temples but the ritual process is still uncertain.

The three temples form a route for the Vesak Day Festival held every year during the full moon in April or May. The festival is a reminder of birth and death, and the enlightenment given by Gautama Buddha.

How to get to the location
The closest big city of Borobudur is Yogyakarta as far as 40 km. Another closest city is Magelang, 17 km away. The capital city of Central Java, Semarang, 90 km from Borobudur.

Sumber berita : borobudurpark.com


Flyboard Bali is one type of water sport that uses boards such as a wakeboard with a pair of shoes that are attached separately on the board as the main equipment. Besides that the sensation of flying is also the allure of this game. You will be made to fly with an attached board due to being driven by high water pressure so that it will feel like Iron Man. This game is indeed extreme, so it is very challenging for your adrenaline. Flyboard was first popularized by Frank Zapata who has been famous throughout the world as a jet ski champion. This game does rely on three things: strong water pressure, calm sea water and the ability to play jet ski.

The charm of the Bali Island of Gods is still unmatched in the eyes of tourists. Bali seems to provide a special attraction so that tourists will not be tired of revisiting this island even though many times. No wonder Bali continues to develop existing facilities to satisfy the tourists who come, including by providing water sports rides with Flyboard Bali as one of the activities offered. This water game is still relatively new, so many tourists do not know about this game compared to previously known activities such as snorkeling, banana boat, jet ski and so on. Although new, but the flyboard is no less challenging than other types of water sports.
Sumber foto : youtube.com

The concept of the Flyboard Bali game is to be pulled by a speedboat driven by a professional guide. This will produce a large water pressure of 200 pk and make the special wakeboard you use float in various heights ranging from 5-10 meters. If you are already skilled at playing it, you will be able to do various extreme techniques when above, such as turning your body around and jumping while you are at an altitude. You can learn these techniques with guidance from a professional operator. You also don't need to worry about operating a flyboard because basically this device is easy to learn. In fact, almost everyone can fly when they first operate this game, after adapting for 5 minutes in the water.

For Flyboard Bali prices, you will be charged a fee of IDR 1,200,000 or $100 per person to enjoy the Flyboard Bali facility in Tanjung Benoa. You do not need to worry about security issues because all equipment used such as wakeboard, gloves and life jackets are of international standard for your safety and comfort. In addition, you will also be accompanied by experienced and trained guides. They will provide direction and procedures for using the flyboard device from start to finish. You will be given a total of 20 minutes in this game. The first 5 minutes will be used in the water to adjust the use of the tool and 15 minutes to fly if it is able to control the use of the tool properly.

Sumber : tanjungbenoa.co.id


Tanjung Benoa, the name of a village at the foot of the island of Bali. This name is no stranger to the ears of tourists who are interested in watersport challenges. Located in the Nusa Dua area, Tanjung Benoa Bali is a water tourism destination that presents several games that poke your guts and adrenaline.

Tanjung Benoa, which is directly adjacent to Nusa Dua, Bali is the center of sports and water games in Bali. The characteristics of Tanjung Benoa Beach are very calm, so it is suitable for various types of exciting water games.

This type of water game that you can play at tourist attractions in Bali, one of which is :
1. Snorkeling
2. Sea walker
3. Banana boat
4. Parasailing
5. Wakeboard
6. Waterski
7. Jetski
8. Scuba diving
9. Donut boat
10. flying fish
 and others. In addition you can also go see giant turtles on the turtle island by riding a boat from Tanjung Benoa.


1. Flyboard Bali Tanjung Benoa

Sumber foto : youtube.com

Flyboard Bali is one type of water sport that uses boards such as a wakeboard with a pair of shoes that are attached separately on the board as the main equipment. Besides that the sensation of flying is also the allure of this game. You will be made to fly with an attached board due to being driven by high water pressure so that it will feel like Iron Man. READ MORE >>

2. Banana Boat Tanjung Benoa Bali
Sumber foto : baliyuk.com

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